[m] get that booty

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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[m] get that booty
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2020 8:05:39 GMT
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 all she wanted was a nice thing.

just.. one nice thing. for once. go on a cruise for a nice date, enjoy the day with her boyfriend. let him enjoy himself and loosen up, bond over some nice, fruity drinks and unwind with all the crazy that's been happening. unfortunately, that really won't be happening.

especially seeing that he was in another room, with another woman. she'll have to endure the stench of another woman's perfume later, and she dreads the thought (she doesn't have to; she knows. she's just told herself enough times to finally convince herself that it was the least she could do for him). a shame, she even bought little souvenirs at a seashore house before the boarded.

so the albino comes to the deck of the cruise boat, letting the wind blow against her face as she held down her larger sun hat. she'd prefer not to stay out for too long, lest her pale skin get burnt under the harsh rays. she sighs to herself, free arm resting against the railing of the ledge.

".. this place would be beautiful to watch with a partner at sunset~" her inner romantic surfaces as she thinks aloud to herself.

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[m] get that booty
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2020 15:34:52 GMT
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"Well then, shall I be your partner for the moment?" Said a man as he approached the lady, leaning on the railing to get a good look at the person he called out. A young and beautiful Albino Maiden. A rare sight in this region. Maybe she was accompanying someone. But Balder didn't exactly care about who was with here, he just wanted to do something, his bodyguard job being effectively boring.[break][break]

The man looked forward, wondering why he got hired to begin with. He had heard tales of pirates assaulting ships recently, but would they attack a cruiser like this one? That almost seemed like folly. Turning his gaze back to the lady, the alolan individual showed a soft smile, while an idea crossed his mind. "While common courtesy would require me to share my name, I'd like to add some spice to our meeting by using codenames, if you don't mind. You may refer to me as... I think Poseidon would be fitting for the element we're in."[break][break]

Of course, if the lady expressed the desire to get away or not use the codenames or even showed discomfort, Balder would back away. Far be it to be his intention of putting the damsel in a bad situation. He only wanted to spend some time doing things other then going around the boat and doing... well, nothing.

[attr="class","notes"]tldr: You never specified which booty to get.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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[m] get that booty
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2020 22:26:31 GMT
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 she perks up, near immediately at the voice. she didn't know what to expect; her boyfriend?

(no, she already knows that he's far more occupied with another woman in his bed. sleeping in the same cabin that they shared; a woman who he'd only see once, whisper sweet nothings to in the moment - and she knows she will respond to his every beck and call after she leaves, clothing in hands while he apologizes to her with soft, regretful confessions.)

she sees another man when she turns over; large in size. someone she's met before? someone who looked familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it. the days blend together and swirl into a collective memory; everything that didn't involve her partner was thrown to be lost in a void.

still, she offers a warm smile from under her parasol as he approached. "hello", she greets with a grin on her face. now what struck her as odd, was how he brought up the idea to use codenames. odd, but it was.. certainly an idea. who was she to turn the offer down, anyways? as such, she ponders, then hums.

"call me lilith, then!" she chimes, tenting her fingers across her chest while the parasol handle rests against her arm and shoulder. "what brings you here, o lord poseidon?~"

pirates coming in my next post :blurryeyes:
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[m] get that booty
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2020 4:01:41 GMT
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It seemed like the lady was fine with playing along the codename trope. And her choice of Lilith, quite interesting. "Well, I must say it's quite the pleasure to meet you, miss Lilith." Normally, Balder would grab the lady's hand and drop a kiss upon it, but as they were tented over her bosom, it seemed inappropriate to reach out and grab one of her hand.[break][break]

Thus she followed on, asking what he was here for. The mention of lord poseidon did make him grin. "I must say, that had a rather nice ring to it. Lord Poseidon. As for what I'm doing here, I'd say I'm talking to a wonderful lady while also doing my job of protecting this ship as the hired guard."[break][break]

Looking at the lady for a few seconds, he decided to advert his gaze before he is caught staring at her and her beauty. "And so far, I can say there is nothing to re... port... Oh fuck." His grin had vanished. The unexpected was actually happening. A pirate vessel, heading straight for them. And they were ready for a fight.[break][break]

Balder immediately grabbed one of his pokeballs, calling James the Inteleon. "James, go warn the captain, then take position at the top of the boat." The chameleon nodded and proceeded to the Captain's quarters quickly. Balder then looked at the girl beside him. "Lilith, stay with me. I'd like to send you back to your room, but it's gonna be easier to protect you if you remain with me."

[attr="class","notes"]tldr: You never specified which booty to get.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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[m] get that booty
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2020 5:27:33 GMT
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 it was a relief to see that he didn't mind playing along with the codenames, and letting it happen as well. lilith, she thought, was a nice name. were she not already fond of the name ophelia, she would have gladly taken lilith as an alias. perhaps someday, she ponders, keeping that thought in the back of her mind.

she intently listens to his reasoning of.. a report? was it going to be dangerous, here? she hopes not, seeing that it's just a cruise ship. that, and she had her partner on board (with another woman in the room, but she would like to pretend that it wasn't happening). there's a quiet hum from her, pensive as she mulls it over. but.. still. it was a shame that he would be here, thinking about work when it was the kind of place anyone would come to relax in. and so, she smiles a bit more brightly under the shade of the parasol. "can i buy you a drink, then?" she asks, skipping over the gaze he had fixated upon her. "it'd be a waste if you couldn't relax on a trip like thi--"

she's cut off, seeing the man's gaze fall onto.. something behind her? puzzled, she turns her head around and, lo and behold, there was in fact a pirate ship headed in their direction. it was coming, all sails up and ahead. that was the saying pirates used, right?

things were happening.. fairly quickly. quick enough, that she didn't know how she was going to respond. pirates? here? it wasn't herself that she was worried about (she knows well, she can easily handle them herself, even if she preferred a peaceful alternative). what she was worried about, was her partner who was in the cabins.

she wanted to go back, and to warn him. unfortunately, she didn't have the chance to break away, as the man who calls himself poseidon suggests for her to stay at his side. she only responds with "but--" before screams could be heard from the lower deck, which only escalated to the upper as pirates began to board the ship - let it be through windows or swinging ropes from ship to cruise.

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[m] get that booty
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 4:14:01 GMT
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While Balder would've loved to say yes for the drink, the current circumstances would prevent him from accepting them. Pirates on board was the reason why he was on this trip to begin with: preventing any damages from them. But now that all of these evil-doers had embarked, it seemed only fair to cut their retreat.[break][break]

The alolan man took 3 pokeballs from his belt and threw 2 of them in the air, allowing his Charizard and Feraligatr to appear. "Sink their ship at all cost. Not a single one may embark upon it. But don't kill them, they must pay for their crimes properly." Blaze nodded and took flight while Jaws the Feraligatr dived into the waters to reach the Pirate ship.[break][break]

From there, the Alligator proceeded to Dragon Claw to create an opening and make the ship sink, while Blade would set fire to the top in order to make anyone unable to embark upon it. With the remaining pokeball, Balder summoned his Treecko. "Keep the Pirates in check long enough for James to snipe them. And don't overdo it this time."[break][break]

The little shiny Treecko proceeded to run down the hallway, ready to shoot Bullet Seed at any unwanted visitors. Balder then proceeded to turn to face the one nicknamed Lilith. "Were you alone on this cruise or with someone else? It might be a good idea to track them down and make sure they're safe too. I'll protect you along the way."

[attr="class","notes"]tldr: You never specified which booty to get.

template by kay

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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[m] get that booty
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 6:47:12 GMT
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 he says to sink, and she doesn't know if it should be done. of course, talking to them andpolitely asking them to step off the cruise ship was probably out of the question. knowing her, she would have tried anyways.

his pokemon jumped into action, leaving little to no time for the woman to respond accordingly. instead, she pulls out a pokeball to summon a sharpedo, suspended in the air as per it's.. water type logic? she's stopped questioning it, and she's stopped assuming. "jump into the water and help them out, please?" she asks the shark. it seems to cast her a disobedient glare, only to harmlessly flop overboard and begin gnashing at holes into the wooden ship.

back to the man, here.

"w-well.." she starts, she holds her body close while trying to let the weight of everything catch up "n-no.. my boyfriend is still in the cabin, resting" she lies, she can't say the truth even during a situation like this "b-but i think he should be okay.. m-maybe.." some of her pokemon were still in there after all. she was sure that they would pop out to protect him (if they didn't beat him themselves, first).

of all things, though, she didn't want this man to accidentally see what was happening in that cabin. she didn't want him to see him, especially not in the state he most likely would have been in.

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[m] get that booty
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 18:47:17 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar



The girl decided to assist the Ship sinking duty with her Sharpedo. A good idea, as just Feraligatr wouldn't be enough on that. With 2 strong jawed pokemons, the ship would sink in no time. And luckily, it was a wooden ship so the fire would spread rapidly and avoid anyone escaping or consider hiding in there. But it would also lead to having them grow desperate.[break][break]

Then, Codename Lilith proceeded to indicate her boyfriend was still in their cabin, resting. But the way she wished to avoid returning... This felt odd. And how she indicated she wished she had a partner at sunset on the boat earlier... "This is most likely not my business, and not the best timing to say that, but your reaction seems to indicate discomfort relating to your "Boyfriend". I might be wrong on this, but I'll give you an advice from having... lived something similar: Flee. Get away from him."[break][break]

Balder glanced gently at Lilith as he said that line. The girl deserved happiness, and maybe her current boyfriend wasn't a good fit for that. "Anyways, I don't know the story, nor will I force you to talk. If you need to, however... Actually let's save that for after the pirates are dealt with." The man advanced forward, slowly meeting up with his Treecko that was fighting back some pirates.

[attr="class","notes"]tldr: You never specified which booty to get.

template by kay

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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[m] get that booty
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 20:43:50 GMT
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 at that, she vehemently shakes her head. it was true that she wished that she had a partner to see the sunset with, but she tries to recover by excusing him with "i-it's just that he had a long day at work yesterday, so he's pretty tired.." and she would rather not disturb him. a half lie, hiding the real reason she wanted to keep away from the cabin (lest she be beat black and blue once again). she tries to offer a small, albeit nervous smile while trying to brush off his concern. "he's a very good person, and treats me affectionately~" she chimes, hoping to throw the man off his brief suspicions.

they had more issues to worry about, anyways.

she pulls out another two pokeballs, sending out a meowstic who ruffles her fur and a salazzle who hisses on the deck. "psychic and poison gas, to the pirates. er.. please avoid the treeko." she commands the two pokemon. the psychic felines eyes began to glow a bright blue, pinning the remaining pirates on deck down to the ground, while the salazzle released a stream of poison to hopefully, immobilize the crew.

with the remaining pirates on deck dealt with, and the main crew on deck sinking, she lets out a sigh of relief.

"we should probably turn them in, shouldn't we?" she claps her hands together, brushing off any residue of anxiety she held earlier.

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[m] get that booty
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 22:39:13 GMT
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She decided to deny his thoughts... in a weird way. Why would she indicate she's being treated very affectionately out of nowhere? He never said she was being hit or lacked love, did he? Some times, too much love can be toxic too after all. This made Balder's face display lots of concern for the lady. But the pirate was definitely a priority.[break][break]

The lady decided to bring out two more of her pokemons and the alolan man couldn't help but look at the Salazzle. "It's rare to see that specie outside of my homeland. Glad to see it's being care for in this location." And thus, with the combined efforts of all the pokemons released on deck, the pirates were captured. [break][break]

The lady proceeded to ask if they should get turned in, after all of this. "I'll handle that part, since it's a side of my job on this boat right now. The captain has already been warned so we'll most likely put them in the cells at the bottom of the ship." On that note, Balder decided to dig into his pocket, taking out a brand new smartphone, courtesy of the job he's on now. He then handed the phone to Lilith. "If you ever need to talk, have company or anything, that's my number. And Lilith, you're strong, even if you might not recognize it. Don't forget that." Following that speech and if the lady took note of his number, Balder escorted the pirates to their cells for the rest of the trip.

[attr="class","notes"]tldr: You never specified which booty to get.

template by kay

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[m] get that booty
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 23:24:22 GMT
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